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Rotating Packed Bed Type CO2 Capture System

- Rotating Packed Bed Type CO2 Absorption and Stripping.

- RPB stripper and Ultrasonic reboiler in single highly efficient unit for CO2 release.

- Unique designs for offshore and onshore application versions.

- Energy Efficient and large gas processing in Compact Volume.

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RPB Bench-Scale System

400 up to 2,400 LPM
0.1 up to 0.4 TPD CO
2 captures


G/L [voL/VoL] 50-800

Processing Capacity

CO2 Capture Efficiency at High Gas Flow Rates

Operational Range


Processing Volume Reduction

Carbon Value’s bench scale RPB absorber at 330 LPM of simulated flue gas. 

Performance compared with conventional column systems from proprietary equipment (at 9 LPM capacity) and outside reference (1200 LPM).

3-10 X less processing volume relative to column systems at minimum.


Compact absorber solution with high gas processing capacity and G/L ratio.

Improved CO2 absorption performance.

Capable of handling various types of solvent including chemical, physical, viscous solvents, etc.

Optimally designed for ship motions, sloshing effect, etc.

CO2 Capture, CO2 Capture System, 탄소포집, 탄소포집 장치, 이산화탄소, 이산화탄소 포집 장치, 카본밸류, Carbon value, RPB, Rotating Packed Bed

Energy Reduction

Comparison of gross SRD profiles for column and RPB system at various inlet CO2 concentrations.

CV guarantee : 20-50% SRD reduction compared to column system and at 10x more gas processed in same volume.

CO2 Capture, CO2 Capture System, 탄소포집, 탄소포집 장치, 이산화탄소, 이산화탄소 포집 장치, 카본밸류, Carbon value, RPB, Rotating Packed Bed

Superior CO2 Release with RPB and Ultrasound

Reboiler design derived by ultrasonic application.

Optimized internal structure and flow logic.

Optimal reboiler design with efficient heat exchange.

Ultrasound application with low operating temperature and reduced required regeneration energy (~50%).

Improved rich-solvent regeneration performance and reduced solvent degradation.

Reboiler design derived by ultrasonic application.

Optimized internal structure and flow logic.

Optimal reboiler design with efficient heat exchange.

Ultrasound application with low operating temperature and reduced required regeneration energy (~50%).

Improved rich-solvent regeneration performance and reduced solvent degradation.

CO2 Capture, CO2 Capture System, 탄소포집, 탄소포집 장치, 이산화탄소, 이산화탄소 포집 장치, 카본밸류, Carbon value, RPB, Rotating Packed Bed

Ultrasonic Application Reboiler System

Ultrasonically Assisted Reboiler+ RPB CO2 Stripper in a Single Unit

CO2 Capture, CO2 Capture System, 탄소포집, 탄소포집 장치, 이산화탄소, 이산화탄소 포집 장치, 카본밸류, Carbon value, RPB, Rotating Packed Bed
CO2 Capture, CO2 Capture System, 탄소포집, 탄소포집 장치, 이산화탄소, 이산화탄소 포집 장치, 카본밸류, Carbon value, RPB, Rotating Packed Bed

Ultrasonic system by Hielscher Ultrasonics GmbH


SonoSpin 설명 사진 (2)_edited.jpg
SonoSpin 설명 사진 (3)_edited_edited.png




Reboiler + RPB stripper → one unit → Heat loss and pressure drop reduction.

RPB stripping unit → High mass transfer in small volume.

Ultrasonic processing core → Increased CO2 yield by minimum x2.7.

Expected SRD reduction 17 – 30%.

Approval In Principle(AIP)

Lloyd’s Register Asia has undertaken a Novel Technology Evaluation of CARBON value CO.,LTD.’s RPB (Rotating Packed-Bed) Type Carbon Capture System for Offshore & Onshore, with a view to awarding an “Approval in Principle”.

This  AIP document was obtained on October 30, 2024.

RBC-1 Design & Safety Statement

RBC-2 Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Study


Our Product is..

Maximized capture through packing structure design and rotational force.
"Our system can process same amount of Flue gas as the Standard column in 10X less volume"

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